This is my Blog
What is SaltyTron?
That is a good question. I was playing around with names in an attempt to find something that sounded cool, wasn’t heavily in use already, and had an available domain name. I was originally had the intent of starting an art blog, (there may be some of that here in any case,) and I thought “SaltyTron”: sounds slightly mysterious, indicates perhaps a reference to Tron the movie, which was an imaginative blend of art and technology, I can at times come across a bit salty, and I both live in and originate from areas that lie next to large bodies of salt water. So there you have it: SaltyTron.
Who am I?
I’m Jeremiah Darais. I’m originally from Salt Lake City, UT, and am currently living my days in San Francisco Bay Area. I went to college to learn about computer animation. Afterwards I worked at a video game studio for a little while, but ultimately ended up heading off to work for a tech giant, which set me on a path that drew me to the West Coast, and ultimately Silicon Valley. Although my path has diverged from computer animation work, I love animation as a medium, and try to involve myself with art endeavors whenever I can.
What is this blog going to be about?
Another good question! So many good questions you have. I’ll be writing a lot about technology and engineering on this blog, but mostly I’ll jsut be writing about whatever projects I’ve got going on or anything else I find worth sharing. Who knows, though. Whatever it is, hopefully it’s engaging!
Also, pardon the look of the site… it’s a work in progress. I’ll post more about that later.