
Long-form thoughts from Jeremiah

Concerns and Distractions

February 21, 2025

A lot has been happening in the US recently since Trump took office. A lot of it is deeply concerning, and as expected, a lot of it is noise. This is my take on how I parse recent developments in our politics and government.

Steinbeck: The Only Story

December 06, 2024

As the narrator of his book East of Eden, John Steinbeck gives a monologue that feels relevant to recent events.

New Blog Generator

October 05, 2024

I migrated my blog to use Hugo. Despite some confusing and opaque behaviors, it's nice to spend less time on thinking about the blog platform, and more time writing. This is a good example of the trade-offs of the 'build it yourself' mentality.

Cobble Build Automation

September 16, 2024

Cobble is a fast, flexible, monorepo-aware build automation tool built with Rust and Lua. In this post, I'll discuss why I built a new tool as opposed to using an existing one, and the philosophy behind Cobble's approach to build automation.

Book Club: The Armada

September 10, 2022

Thoughts on The Armada by Garrett Mattingly, and some striking parallels between 16th century Europe and today